ELD Edmonton
Fleet companies have a lot to consider when setting up the company. Many old and new companies alike are integrating the ELD system and adhering to the mandate. Many businesses are capitalizing on this software and, of course, expect it to have all the advanced features that demonstrate success in the industry. We want you to be aware of the different solutions that come with using an ELD and have the following explanations on how these high-tech solutions will benefit your fleet.
How to identify the best ELD
Diverse benefits
The industry has not forgotten that not so long ago, we had to write down every single detail and keep up with a long list of activities like the vehicle’s movement, drivers’ routines, and maintenance routines. Our technology provides more than a simple way to record data, so you have a diverse solution with the following extra features:
Maintenance routines
GPS tracking services
Messaging and communication within the app
Profiling the driver according to their vehicle or task
Our systems have a lot of different services and can help you manage a more extensive section of your business than a simple Excel application.
Meets compliance rules
ELD in Edmonton must have the proper certification and registration, as well as meet all industry policies. We know that the transportation industry has a lot of different rules, so it is essential that your staff has all of them at their fingertips or access with a few clicks. Using our system to log in to all these different details will save your company from unnecessary penalties and harm your satisfaction rate.
One way is by adding the dates of specific road inspection dates, so you can avoid penalties that will compromise your service. These details will also help you manage loads better because your employees will make sure they follow all the rules at all times. In rare cases, you should be able to check the driver’s habits so that you can communicate concerns like hard braking, dangerous steering, and possibly dangerous short-cuts.
Enforce safety
An ELD system is only great when it enforces security to prevent the loss of your initial investment. The ELD system from GFI Systems can detect unauthorized activity, especially when you couple the software with the hardware tools.
These features will also help you when you need hard evidence to investigate an accident, train staff in better practices, and ensure each one follows through with the alerts and messages.
Attractive reviews
Reviews are the real revelation of the ELD system. Many vendors will have a review platform for you to connect with other buyers and get genuine life reviews on its service. We have a goal to empower your system with user-driven solutions with objective features.
The better option is to download the two-week free option straight from our site, so you know what to expect when you use it to run your entire business. Feel free to get in touch with us for a personalized consultation, so we can help you get the perfect tracking and logging system.